Production Central


  • Marvel Mania
  • Comic Heroes
  • Production Central

Demolition of this store, along with the Animal Actors stage behind it, began in 2023, to make room for the Fast & Furious Hollywood Drift rollercoaster. 

Marvel Mania

Massive range of superhero-related toys, merchandise and clothing featuring the stars of the Marvel Comics universe.

See also the former Marvel Mania restaurant (which became Universal’s House of Horrors and is now demolished)

Comic Heroes

When the contract between Universal and Marvel changed, the shop had to be de-Marvelled. 

Production Central (2011 – 2023)

Initially a film-making / history-themed store, featuring some great archive photos from Universal’s archive, and some text taken from this very website about hauntings on Stage 28!

The movie-studio theming was removed over the years.